Wednesday, October 22, 2014

many people think that harvard kids getting a free 4.0 gpa if roommate commits suicide and the book ' the hundredth monkey '

many people think that harvard kids getting a free 4.0 gpa  if roommate commits suicide and the book ' the hundredth monkey ' are urban myths ( ups - it real hr it is ) you can ask dave he made frnds with kris + henry who were think it was ecology 102 lab partners at bcc henry from stockbridge english major at harvard dropped out with 4.0 frosh yr freaked at roomies' suicide knew what iambic pentameter was DA DA ...DA DA - or something frgt now - gave the three of us free copies of ' the hundredth monkey ' possibly by ken keyes ( flowers for algernon ) about studies of a monkey population on an island near Japan where one monkey learns to open clamshell by breaking it w a rock,( ups no maqau monkeys veggy ? washing sweet potatoes which were not available to monkeys bfr humans introduced them ) another one learns etc... until the hundredth monkey learns - then suddenly every monkey of that species learns on every island even tho no contact

oh yeah it was island near either nagasmashie or hiroshiite! or pacific atol club nuketest or smplce and it said when hundredth human learn not to blow up masses mb we all will if rmembr correct

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